Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011

David: I went to John's incredible pizza and I got golden tokens.
I got A book about snakes of the world.
I Love school and I LOVE science.
I love home.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dr. Seuss Celebration

Dr. Seuss' birthday was last week so we ate green eggs and ham at school. We made "cat in the hat" hats to wear for Dr. Seuss' birthday. I played with Gavin. We played tag. Brett, Kelly and Katie came to my baseball game. I got 2 hits and I slid into home base.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Hola! Hola! For Cinco de Mayo we had a party at school. We had cinnamon and milk which was really good. And also you can make tacos with this cheese. We are moving to a new house in Rocklin. And there is an orange tree in the backyard and places to plant.

We learned about pond dwellers this week. I made this cool snake that I named "slitherly."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Last Week of April 2010

Hi. So, I found my bakugan ball cards this week. Miss Karen (David's pre-K teacher) gave me a book about dangerous sea creatures. I read the whole thing. Now I am reading about reptiles. This week we are going to learn about pond animals. The following week we will learn about reptiles. I have been playing with Rose and Jane at school. Jane is not coming to school again until the beach party. That will be our last school day. And we have been hearing a wood pecker when we play frisbee. Bye.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

I learned about gardens this week in school. I planted grass in a cup and have been reading Mom's gardening book. On Wednesday I learned about saving the earth by turning things off and not putting things on the ground (littering). Plants save the earth, by making the air fresh.

Friday, Jane came over and played. Mom took us to Home Depot to get plants. She let us pick our own plants.

On Saturday I went with Dad and Spencer to garage sales. I got a lightsaber and electronic battleship with my own money.

Dad made me get rid of my playstation because I wasn't being nice when I played games, but then Dad got a used xbox on Saturday.

I guess I'll have to be good to be able to play it.

More later... David

Saturday, October 24, 2009

David's First Sewing Experience

Roseville 3rd Ward coordinated a service project where we made pillow cases for a children's hospital. David was very excited to participate so I took him to Walmart so he could pick out some really cool "car-themed" material for our project. A good friend, Cindy Harris, helped us by lending her machine and giving us "sewing lessons." David loved sewing because he said it felt like he was "driving a car" when he used the pedal. This was a very easy project that David and I had a great time working on together.

I was so proud of him for first having the desire to serve and then carrying out the plan and finishing his project. The material David selected was so cheerful that I am sure it made a little boy very happy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

David's Favorite Season

David's favorite season is summer. One reason he loves the summer months is because he spends a lot of time with Jason. He and Jason have had playdates together since David was 10 months old. They are like 2 peas in a pod although opposite "peas" in coloring. They enjoy doing everything together, especially swimming.

Those playdates were especially helpful this summer with the addition of Spencer and the resulting lack of sleep with a newborn. Linnette often called to see if David was available to play. What a lifesaver she was!